Could drumming in a group be good for your health?

Group drumming is an effective way to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system, so studies have shown. Humans have been beating drums since the beginning of recorded history to promote wellness and a sense of community.

With our busy lives it can be difficult to establish a routine which supports healthy activities and a time to connect with other people and that is where community drumming fits in.

Natural Killer Cells are a type of white blood cell that seek out and destroy cancer and virally infected cells. Participants in group drumming activities showed a significant increase in this cell activity after just a one-hour session. Amazingly, this drumming also reversed various genetic switches that turn on the stress response believed to be responsible for the development of diseases1.

“While struggling with a very stressful work situation I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t Samba practice to look forward to. You walk in there and all your troubles disappear for a time, putting things into perspective.” Anonymous. Honley Samba Band member since July 2014

Tams and ago-go bells

Regardless of musical ability, drumming can be a fun way to exercise, with the added incentive that the fitter you become you easier it is to play for longer. Drumming increases the heart rate and blood flow, just like a gentle aerobic exercise and can help to tone muscles, particularly on the upper body. Research also suggests that drumming not only serves as a distraction from pain and grief but actually promotes the production of endorphins, responsible for blocking pain signals 2. These trigger a positive feeling in the body similar to that or Morphine and can be accompanied by an energised outlook on life.

“I find Samba drumming a workout for both body and mind. Our band’s weekly practice session is great upper body exercise and concentrating on getting my part right is challenging for my brain too. The whole experience is very therapeutic after a long week at work. The support that comes from being in a band is perfect if you’re a bit shy and your first gig is a real buzz and great confidence boost. I’d highly recommend Samba drumming to anyone.” Duncan, Honley Samba Band member since January 2014

The choices you make today about your health, your activities and your community will be reflected in the future you build for yourself. Participating in group drumming pulls people together to produce a single united sound but also draws in the community around it to enjoy and celebrate music. You can discover and share music by trying out a local community music group – use to find one near you.

After leading drumming groups in East Anglia for eight years I saw how music offered such joy and support to people, so after moving to the Holme Valley I formed the Honley Samba Band in 2013. Starting with six members and now averaging twentyfive the band has grown in reputation, with beginners now travelling from across Kirklees to learn Samba drumming in Honley. This friendly, supportive drumming group wants to hear from anybody aged 10-100 who would like to pick up a Brazilian-style drum, whether you have lots of musical experience or none whatsoever. The weekly two hour sessions are run on Friday evenings at Southgate Theatre and really are for anybody.

Complete the online form at the link below to end your week with a free first group drumming session, or contact us for a chat, and decide on the benefits for yourself.

Katie Mallard – Musical Director, Honley Samba Band
07736 049089

“It gives my life rhythm.” Bruno, our longest serving member, aged 12.


1. Bittman, Alternative Therapies, 2001.

2. Winkelman, Shamanism: The Neural Ecology of Consciousness and Healing, 2000.

Jude Gidney - Editor
Author: Jude Gidney - Editor

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