A few words from the Editor

Hello It’s been a hectic week on social media and on the roads this week in Saddleworth with a substantial amount of our beautiful landscape being reduced to ash and with fire engines trying to get to the fires to extinguish them. 
Jude Gidney – Editor
I won’t comment any further on these as that’s more of a ‘newspaper’ reporter job. But it has not gone unnoticed the turmoil of people’s thoughts on how the reporting of such events and information should be shared, and a further whipping up of already heightened emotions in online community groups.It’s thrown up a lot of thoughts about the purpose of Saddleworth Life and its niche in Saddleworth. Saddleworth Life.com online magazine is taking on more and more of a direction of bringing forward positive information about, and information that could benefit, the area and as being a resource for what’s happening as far as workshops, community groups, theatre, exhibitions, gigs and so on. I’ve decided to bring in the new tag line of:

Positively celebrating the area and its people online

I hope Saddleworth Life.com  website to be a place that people feel happy to regularly visit as a trusted and reliable source of information. The magazine is then fed down to social media sites: Facebook, twitter, Linked In and Instagram where discussion is inevitable and encouraged . I don’t want, necessarily, to form a ‘community’ as I feel that communities would better serve the area by being 3D (face-to-face) rather than 2D. I believe that so much of what makes us human and communicate effectively is lost by typing and commenting online. People take risks in their comments looking for the next bit of drama that they can generate. I encourage local groups to contact me, to update me on how wonderful they are and the great things they are achieving. I encourage individuals to talk to me about what ever they feel they’d like to share with the area in a positive way be it medals, generosity, or anything they are grateful for. If you can think of another reason to be involved with a positive publication please also get in touch! At present I struggle to get advertising revenue for this initiative (Saddleworth Life.com) as businesses seem to favour handling their own online marketing and/or advertising in physical newspapers. At present I am sitting a Mental Health Awareness certificated course run by Oldham Council. On day 1 of the course (!!) we discussed sensationalising, scaremongering and stereotyping in  media that is very detrimental to our mental health. Why businesses continue to support this is a big worry to myself as someone that suffers, on occasions, with mental ill health and as a parent. So if you run or know of any businesses that would like to support some positivity please ask them to get in touch to talk how the magazine could benefit them – hello@saddleworthlife.com  I am also looking into seeking funding from other sources and will feedback on these when I know more. Gosh, a few more words than I intended but now you know! Coming up in the next week are some very interesting features. These include a regular slot thanks to a local Animal Healthcare Professional, a feature involving local community groups and fun support for our children and what is available in our area to encourage mental health and support mental ill health. Thank you SO much for reading this and for your continued interest and support.
Jude Gidney - Editor
Author: Jude Gidney - Editor

If you would like to share an interesting story, achievement, photo or something you just want to happily shout about please send it in an email to hello@saddleworthlife.com We'd ❤ to hear from you!!

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