Debbie Abrahams MP makes visit to Royal Oldham Hospital’s A&E as part of ‘Casualty Watch’

Debbie at the Royal Oldham Hospital

Debbie at the Royal Oldham Hospital

Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, spent Saturday afternoon visiting the A&E at the Royal Oldham Hospital to see firsthand how the staff are coping with the winter pressures. This is part of ‘Casualty Watch’ to identify where A&E is coming under stress throughout the colder winter months.

The cumulative actions of the Tory-led Government have meant that across the country the NHS is struggling to deal with the A&E crisis. This situation is predicted to become worse over the coming winter months with more ambulances queuing up outside A&E units and more people waiting longer before being seen.

Under the previous Labour Government, A&E was performing well with 98% of patients seen within 4 hours. But since the 2010 general election, the number of patients waiting over 4 hours has more than doubled and ambulance queues have doubled as well.

The increase in A&E waiting times has been caused by cuts to social care budgets, meaning more older people are ending up in hospital because there is no one else to take care of them. There have also been 6,642 nursing jobs cut and a needless £3 billion top down reorganisation which have made the situation in A&E much worse.

Debbie said: “After my visit to A&E I gained a good insight into how front line staff are coping with the winter pressures currently facing them. I pay tribute to the staff at the Royal Oldham Hospital who are doing a hard job in very difficult circumstances.

“During my visit I saw the whole patient experience, from reception through to the discharge suite and spoke with a variety of staff members about the plans they have in place to deal with excess winter pressures.

“With Pennine Acute Trust, which includes the Royal Oldham Hospital, missing its A&E target in 30 out of the last 52 weeks, it is clear that patients and hospitals in the area are paying the price for David Cameron’s mismanagement of the NHS and for his decision to proceed with a top-down reorganisation that he promised wouldn’t happen.

“The unfolding crisis in A&E is a clear symptom of a system under pressure and there is no more visible sign than ambulances queuing up outside A&E units and patients waiting longer to be seen.”

Jude Gidney - Editor
Author: Jude Gidney - Editor

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One Comment

  • Ian says:

    What a surprise. Mrs Abraham’s voice heard long and loud talking about the NHS. Try and get her involved in school crossing patrols, the Saddleworth School move or anything of interest to the people who foolishly elected her and all you get is lip service. This woman for me does nothing but play party politics and carrer enhancement.

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