Letter: Churchill Playing Fields Drainage Proposals

Saddleworth Runners youngsters using the Churchill Fields track.

Below is a letter from Roger Devy of the Churchill Playing Fields Action Group, which I’ve reproduced in full. It was written as an open letter to Cllr Richard Knowles, a Liberal Democrat borough councillor for Saddleworth South.

If you want to respond to the points made in the letter, you can either leave a comment below this post, or send an e-mail by clicking on the Contact option at the top of this page. If you would like an e-mail published on this website then please mark it as a letter to the editor, and I’ll be happy to do so.

Past Saddleworth News articles and letters about Churchill Fields can be found here.

“Dear Councillor Knowles,

“I write to you as a spokesperson for the Churchill Playing Fields Action Group (CPFAG) with reference to the proposed drainage work at Churchill Playing Fields, Wellington Road, Greenfield. The single aim of the CPFAG is to fight for the retention of the existing running track at Churchill when the long overdue drainage work is carried out. This single aim of the group and other supporters in seeking to retain the existing track whilst supporting the drainage of Churchill is extremely important and should be duly noted.

“Councillor Barbara Beeley stated at the Saddleworth and Lees District Partnership meeting on 16 June 2011 that the cost of laying a new track at Churchill is prohibitive and out of the question. The same statement has been made by Councillor Beeley and others at previous partnership and council meetings and at the public meeting at the Civic Hall, Uppermill on 1 March 2011.

“But let’s remember the single aim of the CPFAG and its many supporters throughout the Saddleworth community. We do not want and have never wanted a new track at Churchill. Everybody agrees that the cost of laying a new track is out of the question. We want to retain the existing track. So why do the councillors and council officers wishing to push through the current proposals keep revisiting this ridiculous notion of laying a new track at Churchill?

Churchill Fields

“When the appropriate drainage work is carried out at Churchill the current cinder based track will be fit for purpose and will be suitable as it is now for a wide range of community activities. You stated at the Saddleworth and Lees District Partnership meeting on 16 June 2011 that you would be willing to work with Saddleworth Runners and/or other bodies in implementing a lottery bid with respect to laying down a new running track at Churchill Playing Fields. You also said this offer had been made at a previous partnership meeting.

“If the single aim of the CPFAG, Saddleworth Runners and a large section of the Saddleworth community is to retain the existing running at Churchill, why do we need to implement a lottery bid for a new track? We do not need a new track. If we are being realistic, we all know the laying of a new track at Churchill is not going to happen under any circumstances. We need to retain the existing track.

“You may remember that at the public meeting on 1 March 2011 that the vast majority of those attending voted to retain the track at Churchill. Has anyone involved in the process taken any notice of this view or in fact since the meeting made any reference to this public vote? The answer is no. The question to this should be why not.

“You also stated at the meeting on 16 June that during the Summer Show on Sunday 12 June you had personal evidence that the track was covered with standing water during the time you spent at the event. This was hardly surprising with the amount of rain water that fell during the afternoon period of 12 June in the area of the show and the fact that everybody agrees that drainage improvements of the Churchill Fields are long overdue.

“When the appropriate surface contouring of the track and appropriate track side drains are installed and connected to the main improved Churchill drainage system, I am sure you will find the existing running track, as with any hard standing with the correct drainage provision, will adequately cope.

“It has also been repeatedly stated by the councillors and officers directly involved in the Churchill drainage project that following the site survey carried out by Professional Sportsturf Design in January 2011 the only option available to undertake drainage work at Churchill would include the removal of the existing running track. It was also said the work needed to be carried out with some haste (projected start date for the work to be 13th June) and all members of the public who raised questions about the process at the open meeting at the Civic Hall on 1 March were told in no uncertain terms to ‘get real.’

“We now know this information was incorrect and misleading. Following the publication of the Churchill Playing Fields site survey under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, it now becomes clear that three drainage proposal options were outlined by the specialist from Professional Sportsturf Design. Two of the three options outlined by the specialist would provide a more cost effective solution to the drainage of Churchill and would also retain the existing running track. Should the Saddleworth community be somewhat suspicious of this less than truthful approach regarding the Churchill drainage project?

“One of the reasons cited for the removal of the track was to increase the number of adult football and rugby pitches available at Churchill. However, it has been pointed out on many occasions that this can be achieved without the removal of the existing running track. A full size adult football pitch (Premier League Standard) could be marked in the grassed area in the centre of the running track and a full size rugby pitch marked out (with the removal of existing trees) on the grassed area to the Carr Lane side of the running track.

“The bottom line is the drainage work at Churchill Playing Fields can be done adequately without the removal of the existing running track, and to also comply with the wishes of those factions that require additional football and rugby pitches on the Churchill Playing Fields facility. The plea that the cost of a new track would be too prohibitive or lottery funding should be sort by Saddleworth Runners or others should cease immediately. In the words of your council colleagues let’s “get real.” The drainage work as outlined by the specialist from Professional Sportsturf Design could be carried out adequately to retain the existing running track.”

Roger Devy

Churchill Playing Fields Action Group

Jude Gidney - Editor
Author: Jude Gidney - Editor

If you would like to share an interesting story, achievement, photo or something you just want to happily shout about please send it in an email to hello@saddleworthlife.com We'd ❤ to hear from you!!


  • Rob Hannah says:

    If the facts contained in that letter are correct, it seems likely that Judicial Review of any decision to proceed with drainage works that does not include retaining the existing running track will inevitably be found in favour of the interested party making the application.

  • local says:

    I find it unbelievable that at a crowded public meeting that so many people were misled being told there was only one option, that the track had to go and to “get real”.
    Will the councillors be held to account for their withholding of information and lack of response to the results of the consultation process and what has been the response from the newly ellected.
    If the running track is dug up before the judicial review at who’s expense will it be put back?
    I appreciate there has been a continuing lack of communication from councillors. Is their any evidence in the way of responses to letters that they are listening to the public yet. When there is an option to satisfy all parties why is it being ignored
    Roger Devy and Don Whittham have both worked voluntarily in the local community for years and are only two of the many people that deserve some kind of response.

  • Rob Hannah says:

    If the decision was taken to proceed with drainage plans that did away with the running track, an injunction could be sought to prevent the council from proceeding until the matter had been Judicially Reviewed.

    It would be entirely regrettable, of course, if any of that was necessary. I’m sure that the councillors have more sense than that, especially in this economic climate.

  • Michael Wood says:

    This argument has been going on since 1971 and before, and you are still going over the same argument. The answer to this problem is in the archives of the old Sadlleworth Council, which these surveyors are telling you and taking your money. This will go on another 40 years becauise every one has there own idea, you do not need to take anything away, it has to be back filled and brought above the river, it does not want any brainy person to tell you that. The trouble is these councillors will not come out with a straight answer, as they do not want blaming for it not being right. Check the Archives and your problem is dealt with no more argument. Back fill and that will solve your prioblem for Scouthead and everyone is happy.

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